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Install Evdo Modemi

  1. Evdo Router

Hi,Thank you for posting your query on Microsoft Community.I would require more information to help you better.What is the issue are you facing while installing?Did you get any error message?Reply with necessary information to help you further.Thank you.Hithank you for your reply.i was using BSNL EVDO connection using prithvi UE100 Data card in my computer which was working perfect with WIN7. When i updated it to Win 10 i cant connect to the internet through that data card. No error messages are displayed. The installation is becomingunsuccessfull due to compatibilty problem. I'm facing the same problem with my BSNL EVDO connection using prithvi UE100 Data card.First time I got succeeded in installing the driver but i was unable to use the data card manger, then i used the win10 dialer.

Install evdo modem for windows 10

Afterrestarting system, the drivers installed are gone, now i can't able to install it again.Still the Modem UE100 can work well in win 8.1, but in win 10 not even the drivers are installed. Modem is also not detected, it always shows the installation files (CDFS) also cant able to install that successfully.PLEASE HELP ASAP!! My evdo prithvi works just fine with the windows 10.for doing this do the following steps.1.please save the files in the evdo card to computer for further use.2. Uninstall any devices associated with evdo from start settingdevicesconnected devices.3.Then disconnect evdo card and connect again,then make sure evdo detects and installs the drivers.4.if any problem occurs just check the Device manager.(settingsdevicesdevice manager)5. Find out the the devices which have not been updated with proper driver software. It may be INTF0 or UE100 USB ETS or WinMuxDevice01/02 etc.6.Right click on the device and select ‘Update Device Driver Software’ option.

Evdo Router

Verizon evdo

In next windows which ask to select option to search for software drivers: just select 2nd option- ‘Browse my Computer for driver software’.7.Now installation will ask to browse the drivers software location in your computer, Don’t worry just give the ‘Driver’ location in the backed up folder then ‘Ok’ and ‘Next’.8.then install BSNL CONNECTION MANAGER SOFTWARE. Try this solution,it helped for me.In the Bsnl Evdo after Installation the Setup1. Go to C:Program FilesBSNL Connection Manager FolderOr Where you Gives The installation Path Of Your data card.2. In The Folder There is a File Name BGService.exe Copy That File Using CTRL+C3. Now Press Win Key + R Run is opened.4. Now Type shell:common startup in the box.5. A Window is Opened Here Paste That File Which we copy in 2nd step By Using CTRL+V Control.6. Now Again Press Win Key + R Run is opened.7. Now Type shell:startup in the box.8. Again paste BGService.exe Here.This Is Solution For Evdo Card.Thanx.